

When I was studying chemistry in the high school, I remember that the beloved Dr. Nana (for real) was talking about all worlds connection, and that it is not only connected by the physicals and chemical reactions , but there are psycological and political applications to the approach discussed 

Today's , picking to a facebook for a second before food, made me remember the first law of the thermodynamics, about the conservation of the energy.. 
 ....'' The change in the internal energy is equal to the amount added by heating minus the amount lost by doing work on the environment ''...

well , take a look at the picture :

everithing is connected :) 


Romi Kuntsman said...

someone left Keren for Lena? :)

Ilya Chernyakov said...

this is, of course an option, but this does not interest us, as a researchers of a global force transferring, and therefore we shall inspect this only as a physical phenomena.